Coping with Schizophrenia

Coping with Schizophrenia

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Many people with paranoid schizophrenia experience some psychotic symptoms despite being on medication.This game is aiming at offering a practical way to learning coping mechanisms for psychotic experiences like hearing voices, delusions, intrusive thoughts etc.
What does it do?
This game utilises approaches that are known to work in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) for psychosis. The components of the game are:
- Normalising (decatastrophising)
- Cognitive restructuring through play
- Informing/educating through play
- Teaching coping strategies

How does cognitive restructuring through play work?
Cognitive restructuring is based on the ABC modell of behaviour. The crucial part of the modell is the belief system which, if inappropriate, can lead to destructive coping mechanisms. By playing the game, the player can test different beliefs resulting in different consequences for his character. This can be understood as a sand box where everything is allowed, but the decisions make a real impact on the future and wellbeing of the character. This kind of learning might result in better translation to the real world in comparison to offering information only.  

What are coping strategies?
Coping strategies are simple actions that can alleviate distress from psychotic experiences. They don`t work the same for everybody, so you have to try out what works for you. In the app you will find a comprehensive list of coping strategies.

DISCLAMER: This app is not a therapeutic tool. It is merely a game that teaches some coping mechanisms. It does not replace or act as psychotherapy.
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